Who Be Hobo?

Tuesday 16 October 2007

Scattered around the Second Life grid, there are places known as infohubs. These locations are Linden owned and maintained areas for residents to gather, and are usually green garden spaces, with fountains, ornate pillars, and gazebos, reminiscent of a high class country club. There is, however, an exception to this. The infohub at Calleta is a grungy wasteland, also known as the Hobo Railroad, and is home to a group known as the Hobos. This group is one of the most interesting and creative collectives inworld, and to find out a little more about them, I spent a little time amongst the hobos, and had a quiet chat with the "Hobo King" Orhalla Zander (He's the one in the barrel) :

Voodoo Buwan: So, what was the inspiration behind the Hobo Group?
Orhalla Zander: Not to be vain, but I started it... it was unintentional. I did not know it would grow to become such a large group. To make a long story short, when I started SL I had nothing.... no money... no anything... some people gave me some free textures and because I was so broke I decided to be creative with what I had. I made my avatar with a barrel. Friends liked my theme so I made a Hobo Railroad. Then I had made a group, and won a contest that made my 3rd Hobo Railroad an info hub. After that, I wasn't alone in my railroad anymore. People came and coined it home. They joined the group I had already made. We established something new, a Linden owned info hub that is not polished. We like rust, grit, dirt, and grunge. Another spectrum. We also became the most welcoming info hub. If you go to Ahern you will hear very vulgar people for example, but here, we are accepting. We may have a difference of opinion, but as I said, even if it's a heated debate, we're friends afterwards. We also are a magnet to creative builders.
Voodoo Buwan: Yes, I noticed a lot of fantastic builds here, many of which are free to get copies of. There seems to be a real ethos of sharing here.
Orhalla Zander: Very much so..... Every texture I made for 2 years is here. Arcadia Asylum is one of the many builders whom is artistic and gives away ALL of her homemade by hand freebies away over next door to the property i have tier on.... I pay for it so people can have freebies that are worth wild, but her account is having trouble at this time. Pavig Lok and Littletoe also enjoy this place. They both work for Rezzable and did a great job at making a Home for the Greenies. We are Hobos, not Bums.... hobos are travellers.... that take a job here and there, but bums just ask for handouts
Voodoo Buwan: It's very community spirited. Seems a far cry from the selfish capitalistic attitude through the rest of SL.
Orhalla Zander: Yet, we do encourage people to make money here. If they find something that sells, it's encouraged. If they love what they make and came get some capitol from it... well we encourage it. If you become a hobo.... you're not meant to just feed off freebies... hobos again are travellers that will wash dishes for a buck. A lot of people confuse Hobos with Bums. We grow people to become a traveller.... into what they want to do for themselves in sl. Just so happens... if you were like me... having nothing... well, this is a place that welcomes you. For RP reasons that nobody follows.... newbies can pretend this is their home. They don't need to buy LL land or rent... they can just log in and pretend this is their home.... and being public... it is their home. There are so many factors that make this group work... I can't even name them all… and I’m supposedly "King". My hobos asked me to take that title. I was hesitant. I know deep down I’m vain, but I didn't want it to reflect against the group if i took the title. After all, they are the hobo group... not me at all. They're the people that make it friendly and welcoming… and creative.... and forward. They make the progression, I just started it.
Voodoo Buwan: What would you say to anyone who wants to get involved with this group and this project?
Orhalla Zander: It's quite simple... almost every day... someone wants to join the group... or a friend has a friend that wants to join the group... I simply ask for the name and add them.... simple! If they are unhappy with the group.... they can leave of course.
Voodoo Buwan: and all are welcome to contribute to the place itself?
Orhalla Zander: All are welcomed to enter a contribution, but I’m the only one that approves it most of the time. If I like it... I don't need full mod. I just place it if it fits the theme of this location
Voodoo Buwan: Is there anything else you would like to share with my readers?
Orhalla Zander: Well, there are lots of hidden freebies here... I have a set of my own textures from 2 years worth and they're somewhat organized.... arcadia has a lot of free work, I hope they will send. Pavig Lok has also contributed a lot to this place, but over all... people are welcomed here... Furries, Gorians, Noids, Tinys, and Cartoons... we not follow the RP but all are definitely welcomed.

Posted by Brutha Voodoo at 14:43  

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