Because We Can-Can!

Wednesday 17 October 2007

I do love to wander the binary hallways of sl seeing what people do here.

I am sure everyone is aware of ‘Moulin Rouge’. Of course notably the film with Ewan Macgregor and Nicole Kidman, but Moulin Rouge actually does exist and has since the late 19th Century. Literally meaning ‘red windmill’ Moulin Rouge is a cabaret venue to be found in Paris. The Moulin Rouge is known most notably for the can-can, the arousing and energetic dance that courtesans perform to arouse their male clients. The Moulin Rouge is also awarded with the credit for the striptease. Unknown in older times, the courtesans worked on this manoeuvre and perfected it for 19th century France.

I wandered to Moulin Rouge island today to look about. First thing that struck me was the fact I landed on a beach…. Not very Parisian. The building itself from the outside looks rather similar to RL complete with a little red windmill and bright red lights. Putting the beach and tiki huts behind me I wander inside.

You enter on the top arena and look down to the dance area and stage. Leather bound seats and dance pose-balls are scattered everywhere. Theatre style red drapes hang from the sides and the stage comes out to meet you. I can tell even though the venue is currently empty the possibility of having a truly wonderful night in here is very real.

I walk to the sides of the auditorium and down to the main action area. Clicking my heels off the floor I can imagine can-can dancers ruffling their skirts and showing some leg here. Shame that there are no can-can poses.

I use the tp and go to the named Dungeon. Now I should point out that the so called dungeon is 300 metres up in the air!

Here there are smaller pockets for more private sessions, most torture devices you could think of and even ones you couldn’t!

/me tilts her head trying to work out what way is up

The rest of the island has market stalls, private paid for entry sex rooms (including directors office and school classroom) to mention a few.

I am confused as to how I feel about this place. I went along with an open mind but obvious knowledge of a few things. The main area is well built and looks as though it would be a wonderful experience. The rest I find…. well I find odd frankly. Beach and empty market stalls don’t float my boat so to speak. I feel I need to comment on the sex. I am by no means a prude; I did for a while manage dancers at a club. I understand sex sells and that business is big in SL. The Moulin Rouge in its day was considered risqué; it was entertainment with an undertone of the erotic. The sim goes for the same look but sex is stuffed down your throat, so to speak. With a menu on the wall and I don’t mean drinks they make no attempt to hide it.

I think the best way I could sum it up is to say I would go back, I would like to go back when an event is on. I would like to experience the atmosphere, the sexual desires here don’t interest me but I know they interest some, so if you want to take a walk through The Moulin Rouge please do so here.


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