Voodoo's Christmas List 2008

Wednesday 17 December 2008

Well, Christmas is coming, and the goose is... well, the goose is hoping that the cost of food continues to rise. You see, it's fast becoming a tradition for me that once a year, I come up with my Christmas gift guide, spotlighting some truly superb consumables you can find inworld, that could well be the perfect pressie for one of your many second life pals. However, when approaching this years price guide, I was aware of two things. Firstly, with the papers and newsmedia shouting and screaming that we are all descending into the abyss of recession hell, the idea that I show you all the sparkly high cost treasures inworld seems a little, well, irresponsible's a strong word, but you get my point. The second thing relates to a story of a friend from not long ago, who had a stand at an sl trade show, and wanted to give away a promotional gift. She got a lot of flack, since this "gift" was set for sale at 1$L. Her reason for the price was that, as she apparently said, that if you offer a freebie, that everyone will think it isn't very good. So, with these two factors in mind, I present to you the 2008 Christmas gift guide, with every item being an example of cool design, funky ideas, and would bring a smile to anyone who received it. Oh, and every one is free!

To hunt down these items of frugal fun and frolics, I went to the sl shopping website, http://www.onrez.com/ and started browsing. The reason I went to this site, as opposed to http://www.xstreetsl.com/ (or slexchange as it used to be called), is that unlike xstreetsl, when using the onrez site you are able to buy freebie items as gifts for others, with the item being delivered straight to your pressie recipient inworld. And here, is what I found:

For the Steampunk Aristocrat:

The RCR Unnecessarily high prim monocle by Spindle Vlodovic
This gorgeously crafted eyepiece has fantastic high tech looks, but still has the quaint Victoriana styling that would not look out of place gracing the face of any steam powered mad scientist. With precise and minute detail, the high prim nature of this piece may be described as unnecessary, maybe because of the addition of an arm and nose bridge to make the monocle a kind of half spectacle, but whether unnecessary or not, it's certainly appreciated.

For the Wannabe Rockstar:

The Xcentric Rock Stage by Jamiecat Janus
This item screamed out of for included, for although it's described as "Freeshit", it is in fact 228 of pure rawk joy. Torn straight out of the filthy dive of your dreams, you can now drop this grunged up stage onto your land, and kick out the jams to your heart's content. The stage comes complete with mics, a drumkit, monitors, a wall of amps for you to throw your guitar at, and a ton of spotlights hanging above it all. LET THERE BE ROCK!

For the Tiny on the move:

Tiny Skateboard by Nanjido Oh
2008 has been the year that the Tiny revolution has really taken over SL, meaning that chances are that you may well have a cute vertically challenged buddy, with a stocking that needs filling. And what better than this funky skateboard, stylishly produced, for them for zoom about on. Good looking and containing the needed animation to make you look like a pro skater, this allows you to thrash in the cutest way possible!

For the Glamourpuss:

2007 BijouxOr Design Freebie Jewel set by Alienbear Gupte
This well created and beautiful set of jewelery, complete with necklace, earrings, and navel ring, manages to be stylish with a splash of sparkle, but since it's bling can be turned off, you can avoid being hunted down by the "blingtard police". The detail in these items means that they will add that little extra glamour to any outfit.

For the Artist:

(Shiny Things) Freebie Painter Shoes by Fallingwater Cellardoor
Is your best friend one of the many artists filling the galleries of SL with their creations? Then why not get them a pair of shoes that reflect the number of hours they spend tirelessly working on pieces of beauty and meaning. Splattered with virtual paint, these comfy looking slip-ons have a sense of Bohemia and childlike enthusiasm to express yourself that should bring a smile to any inworld Pollock.

For the SL socialite who doesn't want to be bothered by just anyone:

Miss Gadgets Personal NoEntry by Maeva Anatine
Do you know one of the many divas, the kind of person seen at all the very best and high class parties, with a friend's list containing anyone who's anyone in SL? Why not give them a little personal space, since they will no doubt be besieged by hapless newbies trying to make a name for themselves amongst the glam and gorgeous. You can bet their land is surrounded by a security barrier, showing that only their prestigious inner circle are allowed access, so why not give them this cute little attachment that puts just such a barrier around themselves, to show everyone that only a select few get access to a person of such stature.

And finally, if your friend is one of those people that just loves this time of year, and would be happy with anything Christmassy, you can't got far wrong with the Giant Sculpty CHRISTMAS CUPCAKE with 2 animated poses by Minke Bailey, but act fast, as this item is only available for this Christmas period. So there you have it. A selection of high quality and creative items to regale your buddies with, and none of them costing a single Linden Dollar. I guess there's still an argument to be made for the best things in life being free. Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

You may want to look at this:


Toneless Tomba sales his business, THiNC.

28 December 2008 at 11:50  
Miss Gadgets said...

Tx for refering my article. I have many other Miss Gadgets items in my shops :)

23 April 2009 at 07:59  

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