Pay to view?

Wednesday 2 July 2008

You would have to have been in a virtual coma in Second Life to have not heard of or been to one of the many Rezzable Sims, however major changes are afoot.

The UK based company is responsible for over 25 sims including some of the most interesting and innovative places around. Ranging from the Glow inspiring world of Tunnel or Light, the dark mysterious place at The Carnival of Doom, the wonderful and inspired creations from the Greenies to the amazing statues and creations at Black Swan

The company announced recently on their blog that they would begin to charge for sim access. The first sim with this new ruling is Black Swan. Rezzable indicate this is something they have considered for a long time following the disappearance of major corporate sponsors.

Admission to Black Swan is priced at 199 $L and comes in the form of a watch which even tells you the time! This admission is not pay-per-visit, you buy the device once can return as many times as you like, however for many 199$L can be a lot of money and also enough to stop newbies experiencing the amazing creations on display at Rezzable. As you land at Black Swan you arrive into a skybox to be greeted with a message telling you how to purchase an authorisation device. Then you tp down to Black Swan using the enter button (NB I like to be a rebel, tried to go down without my shiny watch got the following message: Sentry Drone: You have 2 minutes before being escorted from the sim. Please purchase a Black Swan Watch in the entry hall if you wish to explore further.)

Black Swan is the first Rezzable sim with an admission charge; however the company say they would look to introduce this to other sims in the future. Rezzable say they are exploring “the right revenue model for virtual world content”. The company has indicated they are aware this might limit the visitors to the sim but hope the high quality content on show makes it worth the expense.

I have embarked on discussions regarding this development. Opinions vary, thoughts are this move is desperate and will not work; that Rezzable are closing access to their ‘portfolio’. Of course the underlying question during those whole process is ‘can second life be profitable?’ Major sponsors have pulled the plug on their funding for Rezzable, why? Are Rezzable doing the ‘right’ thing? That of course is very much up for public opinion. Will this move provide the income stream needed? The answer to that question will follow once this development for admission charging has time to settle down and accounts are processed. Rezzable are testing admission charging on one of their premier sims in SL, this will give a good indication of income and arguments against. Perhaps they are closing access off to one of their portfolio sims, however if Rezzable need the money to keep said portfolio open surely they should attempt to charge rather than risk losing the presentation all together?

As this has only just been announced there is a lack of public response to this. If you feel so inclined leave us your reply or visit Rezzable Blog and leave them directly for Rezzable. However, before you run off I’d like to forward MY personal response to this move.

Rezzable have brought a completely new dimension to content creation in Second Life. They have given us multiple sims with new innovation that make the vast majority stand back and simply say ‘wow’. The other main point about Rezzable is the fact they give back, not only through content creation but also for instance the recent Race for Life Relay, they donated the sims to RFL. Personally Black Swan is most certainly on my all time favourite Second Life locations, 199 $L for a watch to view it over and over again, where do I sign?


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